Stella Cox strapped down tight (plus video)

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2 Responses

  1. Michael says:

    I LOVE the head restraint and the mittens. Stella is stuck. Hopefully comfortably stuck. Looks comfortable for a night, don’t you think?

  2. medicalrestraintsfan says:

    Yes those heavy mittens are indeed awesome aren’t they Mike?! They keep her naughty fingers in soft and comfortable confinement so she can’t in any way utilize them to try and escape hehe!! ;-P ;-D
    And yes Segufix is one of the best ways to be comfortably restrained for the night I agree, although I think for the arms my favorite position is more at the side but it’s nice to some of both positions. Nice to see some struggling too although preferably it should be more aggressive and desperate certainly makes for a better scene. ;-) And of course she should be diapered especially if it’s for the night. ;-)

    As usual keep those Segubed vids coming Dr. Admin, can never have too many of them!! :-D

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