Vina in straitjacket and leg irons (plus video)

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2 Responses

  1. medicalrestraintsfan says:

    Oh no looks like cute little Vina actually managed to escape from her restraining bed!
    Good thing the attendants were able to catch her and get her nicely strapped up and tightly jacketed. ;-) :-D

  2. Steve says:

    oh look, how nice, a blonde SJ’d, aee pity she’s in ankle-cuffs,
    the SJ talks, pix perfectly angled, okay, but I feel as if the collar
    (red) is too big, too wide, as if an escape could be made from it.
    Has she ever worn leather restraints to the bed? she’s like my thoughts,
    very restrained, how nice!, keep up the good work!

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